
Just one more day to go before you start the 2-week Intermittent Fasting Challenge! If you missed our previous posts, you can see them here, Introduction to Intermittent Fasting and here, Intermittent Fasting Challenge Details. Today, let’s get those final preparations done before we start the challenge.

Reminder: You Are Doing 16:8 Intermittent Fasting

In case you missed the previous article, you will be doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting protocol.

If you have never fasted before, we highly recommend going with this fasting schedule. If after the challenge, you feel ready to extend the fasting window, feel free! But you can get overwhelmed if you go too long without eating when you aren’t used to fasting, and it might hurt your chances to finish the challenge.

Again, here’s your 16:8 Intermittent Fasting Weekly Schedule

Your weekly 16:8 eating schedule will vary depending on which eating window you choose. Here are three samples to suit different schedules:

Early Eating Meal Plan

8 a.m. – breakfast8 a.m. – breakfast8 a.m. – breakfast8 a.m. – breakfast8 a.m. – breakfast8 a.m. – breakfast8 a.m. – breakfast
10 a.m. snack10 a.m. snack10 a.m. snack10 a.m. snack10 a.m. snack10 a.m. snack10 a.m. snack
12 noon – lunch12 noon – lunch12 noon – lunch12 noon – lunch12 noon – lunch12 noon – lunch12 noon – lunch
Evening – calorie-free beveragesEvening – calorie-free beveragesEvening – calorie-free beveragesEvening – calorie-free beveragesEvening – calorie-free beveragesEvening – calorie-free beveragesEvening – calorie-free beverages

Average Eating Meal Plan

9 a.m. – calorie-free beverage9 a.m. – calorie-free beverage9 a.m. – calorie-free beverage9 a.m. – calorie-free beverage9 a.m. – calorie-free beverage9 a.m. – calorie-free beverage9 a.m. – calorie-free beverage
11 a.m.  – breakfast11 a.m. – breakfast11 a.m. – breakfast11 a.m. – breakfast11 a.m. – breakfast11 a.m. – breakfast11 a.m. – breakfast
2 p.m. lunch2 p.m. lunch2 p.m. lunch2 p.m. lunch2 p.m. lunch2 p.m. lunch2 p.m. lunch
4 p.m. snack4 p.m. snack4 p.m. snack4 p.m. snack4 p.m. snack4 p.m. snack4 p.m. snack
6 p.m. dinner6 p.m. dinner6 p.m. dinner6 p.m. dinner6 p.m. dinner6 p.m. dinner6 p.m. dinner

Late Eating Meal Plan

11 a.m. – calorie-free beverage11 a.m. – calorie-free beverage11 a.m. – calorie-free beverage11 a.m. – calorie-free beverage11 a.m. – calorie-free beverage11 a.m. – calorie-free beverage11 a.m. – calorie-free beverage
1 p.m. snack1 p.m. snack1 p.m. snack1 p.m. snack1 p.m. snack1 p.m. snack1 p.m. snack
4 p.m. lunch4 p.m. lunch4 p.m. lunch4 p.m. lunch4 p.m. lunch4 p.m. lunch4 p.m. lunch
6 p.m. snack6 p.m. snack6 p.m. snack6 p.m. snack6 p.m. snack6 p.m. snack6 p.m. snack
9 p.m. dinner9 p.m. dinner9 p.m. dinner9 p.m. dinner9 p.m. dinner9 p.m. dinner9 p.m. dinner

Get Your Planner and Journal Ready to go

We have provided a digital planner and journal to use during the challenge and beyond. There are pages for each day of the intermittent fasting challenge to fill out, but you can also use these same pages digitally or to print out for your future fasting journey even beyond these 2 weeks.

Take a look at the pages now, and decide if you want to print them out, and which pages you think are going to work best for you! You can also just get out a journal to write in each day, or keep documents on your computer to help track your challenge progress.

Don’t Miss Any of the Challenge Posts!

Check our challenge post in our Facebook page, Get Fit and Have Fun with Mutiara at the start of each day during the challenge. These will help you stay on track and will provide some really useful information and tips to help keep you motivated throughout the challenge.

about author - Mutiara

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