
You have now reached day 10 of the Intermittent Fasting Challenge! By now, you are probably feeling comfortable with the 16-hour fast, and might even be inclined to start stretching out that fasting window. Before you do, here are some things to keep in mind.

How is the 16-Hour Fast Going?

Before you attempt to increase your fasting time or change your protocol, think about how the 16-hour fast is going. Do you have enough energy? Are you hungry or satisfied? Have you spent a lot of time thinking about food, or are you getting used to just drinking water until your eating period.

Be really honest with yourself when you consider this, because it will give you some hints about whether you should continue with this protocol, or you are ready to extend the fasting window a bit.

Have You Pushed the Fasting Window at all?

So far in the challenge, were there any days when you went considerably over the 16 hours, without realizing it or meaning to? This is going to happen on occasion, especially in just 15-30 minute increments. But if you have noticed that you go 17 or 18 hours easily and don’t even really think about it, then you might be ready to do slightly longer fasts.

However, even if you do some longer ones for the rest of the challenge, remember that 16 hours is the minimum so feel free to keep them at this length.

about author - Mutiara

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