Intermittent Fasting Journal

Are you ready for another writing prompt? Today, let’s talk about meal planning and how it has changed since starting the intermittent fasting challenge. Let’s get started on the day 11 journal prompt.

Write down how your meal planning has changed since starting the challenge.

This journal prompt is all about how you put together meals, plan when you will eat and how much, and how it has changed since you started fasting.

You might have been someone who just grabbed a snack or put together a meal when yu felt hungry, without really thinking about your schedule.

Or maybe you noticed that you don’t actually need snacks, and only ate them out of boredom or because of convenience.

Maybe you have started planning on more nutrients in your meals with fasting since you know you eat less and have to get all the vitamins and minerals in, or because you don’t eat as often, you put more thought into the groceries you buy.

Write down in your journal all the ways you feel your meal planning process has changed, and really highlight the ways you feel you have benefited from it.

about author - Mutiara

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