Intermittent Fasting

During this challenge, you are of course intermittent fasting every day. It can help to do this for these 2 weeks so you get the hang of what it’s like to do it consistently. But once the challenge is over, you don’t necessarily have to continue with it.

Do You Enjoy Doing Intermittent Fasting Every Day?

The first thing to ask yourself is whether or not you have liked doing intermittent fasting every day.

Do you feel like the consistency is helping you to stick to the challenge, or is it a little overwhelming? Were there days when you would have loved just one day off from fasting, or do you think a day off would set you back too far?

There aren’t any wrong answers here. This is just a way to think about whether or not you should continue with intermittent fasting every single day.

Start Planning for After the Challenge

With intermittent fasting, there are many plans, from how long you fast, to how many days in a row you choose to do it each week. You are not doing it wrong, if you decide on every other day or 5 out of 7 days a week. You can fast as often as you want, according to your schedule and routine.

Each Day You Intermittent Fast is Beneficial – It Doesn’t Have to Be Every Day

One more thing to keep in mind is that each day you choose to fast, you are doing something good for your body. You don’t have to do it every single day just to get those health benefits from it.

about author - Mutiara

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