Intermittent Fasting Mind and Body

We’re almost to the end of the Intermittent Fasting Challenge!

I hope you are enjoying it so far and have learned a lot about yourself. On day 13, it is time to do some reflecting and think about how your body and mind is reacting and changing to the fasting process.

What Have You Noticed the Most?

Think about how you noticed changes or improvements in your health when you began intermittent fasting. What sticks out the most? What was the thing you noticed first?

Did you notice a difference in your body, digestion, weight, or energy?

Or maybe it was your mental health – you noticed you had less anxiety, or your depressive episodes didn’t seem as severe.

Really think back to the last week and a half and maybe look at your journal entries to get a little more clarity.

What Was the Most Surprising Revelation?

A lot of people go through the intermittent fasting challenge for the first time and tend to have surprising side effects. Maybe all you thought would happen is you would lose a little weight or improve your gut health, but you had no idea you were going to have less headaches or the morning fatigue would go away.

Consider what surprised you the most, and write it down so you can reflect on it later.

How is Your Mental Health?

Your mental and emotional health is just as important as your physical health. In what ways has your mental health improved thanks to fasting?

about author - Mutiara

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