Intermittent Fasting

How did day 1 of the challenge go?

Today, we’re on day 2 and going to talk about what we think is the most important thing about fasting – tracking! This is so underrated, and not tracking honestly causes so many issues and frustrations. There is no reason to make it more difficult on yourself.

It is All About Tracking!

One of the most important and effective tools to use when you are fasting is tracking. Tracking allows you to stay accountable, track your progress, and see how you’re doing. Every day, when you cross a day off in your calendar, you know you have achieved something and it gives you a sense of accomplishment. This is some amazing motivation!

What You Need to Track

Here is a list of what we recommend tracking when you are intermittent fasting.

The hours you fast and how long your eating window is – Obviously, you want to track your fasting and eating windows, especially on days when you might fast longer or shorter than 16 hours.

How you feel mentally and physically – Tracking how you feel throughout the challenge is a really great way to start seeing what ways fasting benefits you.

What and how much you are eating – You may want to know what your eating patterns are and hwo they are changing as you get further into the challenge.

Anything you have noticed that is different – Are you experiencing more energy? Do you have less anxiety? Write these things down!

Use your journal and planner to track all the above!

See you tomorrow!

about author - Mutiara

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