Intermittent Fasting Food

Welcome back to the Intermittent Fasting Challenge.

During these 14 days, you are going to become accustomed to fasting for longer periods of time than you are used to. The problem is that in the first few days, it can be a little hard adjusting to that.

If you are feeling hungry during your fasting periods, here are some things that can help.

Did You Eat Enough During Your Eating Window?

A common reason why the fasting period might be so hard to get through is because you are malnourished. You need to eat an adequate amount of calories, fat, protein, fiber, and carbs during your eating window to sustain you during the fasted window.

Remember that this needs to be enough food to last you until the next day, a minimum of 16 hours until your next meal. Start adding a little more to your meals if you seem to be starving by the end of your fasted window.

Make Sure You Drink Plenty of Water

You need to stay hydrated! This is so important, and a very common pitfall among people who start fasting. Not only is water in general important, but when you don’t eat as often, you aren’t getting as much water from the foods you eat. This is why when you diet and eat less, you tend to be thirstier.

A lot more foods have water content than you would think. Increase the water you typically drink, and you might notice that it also helps you to stay fuller.

Stay Busy and Avoid Boredom Hunger Cravings

You might not actually be hungry, but just bored and missing snacking. This can be from just being bored at home and not staying busy. Fill your time with more activities that have nothing to do with food and drinks, and it can help a lot with your hunger.

See you on Day 4!

about author - Mutiara

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