
We’re moving right along in the Intermittent Fasting Challenge! On day 5, let’s talk about some tips to stay motivated. Anything is easy to do for a few days, but around day 4 or 5 is when you start losing steam and want to go back to your old ways.

Here are 4 ways to stay motivated throughout this challenge and beyond.

1. Write Down Why You Want to Fast

Motivation is not going to last forever, so sometimes you need to just remind yourself why you are doing something, and keep that goal in mind. It is not necessarily going to give you a burst of motivation, but instead help you stay accountable and push through.

Write down or think about why you are fasting and what made you want to start this challenge in the first place. Be honest, as there are no wrong answers here.

2. Pay Attention to the Health Benefits

Really become aware of your thoughts and how your body is changing during this time. You can often get motivated simply by your results. Maybe the scale is moving or your pants are looser, you have more energy, or you feel better when you aren’t snacking every couple hours during the day.

3. Track Your Progress

Tracking is so important! You want to track your progress throughout the challenge, including how many days you have completed. It is also good to track how you feel, what is happening with your body, the hours you are fasting, if you had any days where you fasted longer than 16 hours, and anything else you feel is relevant.

4. Find a Fasting Buddy

Lastly, consider getting a friend to join you! Don’t worry if you are ahead of them. You can still keep each other accountable as you add fasting to your routines.

about author - Mutiara

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