Intermittent Fasting Challenges

Now that we have reached the end of the first week of the challenge, let’s do another reflection exercise. Today, you are going to think about what your biggest challenge has been so far in this intermittent fasting challenge.

What Are You Struggling With?

Think about the moments in the first week of this challenge and what you struggled with the most. Was there a day when you could barely get through your fasted window? Or maybe you were mentally struggling with if this was a good idea or not.

So many things can go through your head when you make this type of lifestyle change, even if you know it’s only for 2 weeks.

Be open and honest with yourself. Write down everything you are struggling with so far with intermittent fasting, whether in a document on your computer or in your journal. It is only something you will read, so you can be honest with yourself.

This is really going to help you discover what you might need to work on for the second week of the challenge.

Getting Ready for Week 2

Before you start day 8, read back through what you wrote down, and next to each one – try to come up with a resolution. Even if it just means being patient with yourself, realizing this is a short challenge, or making a very small change.

The more aware you are, the easier it is to accomplish something you have set out to finish.

about author - Mutiara

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