Intermittent Fasting Journal

Welcome back to the Intermittent Fasting Challenge! For day 8, you are going to do another writing prompt. Don’t forget this can be done in a printable journal page, a journal you have, or in any type of digital program. Do whatever is easiest for you to do.

Write a journal entry about how you are feeling halfway through the intermittent fasting challenge.

Time for another journal entry! Get out your journal or any piece of paper, and write down what you are feeling so far in the challenge. The good and the bad – nothing is off limits!

Why? This is going to help you determine how it is going, but more importantly, in what ways your previous eating routine might need improvements.

Intermittent fasting has a unique way of bringing to light some downfalls from your eating habits or eating schedule that you never really considered.

You might have been having trouble sleeping because you eat too much right before bed, or you may discover that without breakfast, you have more focus and mental clarity as you start your day.

There is so much more to learn, so don’t feel pressured to make this a long journal entry.

about author - Mutiara

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