Intermittent Fasting

Thank you for signing up for our 14 Day Black Dress/Tux Intermittent Fasting challenge!

If you’ve arrived on this page, without having signed up to this challenge, please register for our 14 day challenge here!

Over 14 days, you are going to become familiar with fasting, learn how to eat in a shorter period of time, and gain all the benefits that fasting has to offer.

But first, here are some things to understand about intermittent fasting.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating. It is not a diet or something meant to restrict how much you eat, but instead gives you a schedule about how often you eat.

What is the purpose?

With intermittent fasting, you are decreasing how often you raise your insulin levels, which happens whenever you eat or drink anything with calories or sugar. By doing fasting, you have longer periods of time without those insulin spikes, and can therefore benefit in many ways.

What Will Happen During the Challenge?

In the intermittent fasting challenge, you are going to start fasting, plus get tons of tips along the way. You will have writing prompts to discover your own thoughts on the process, try different things, and see a lot of amazing benefits, including weight loss and so much more.

Weight Loss and Other Benefits

Yes, intermittent fasting can help you lose weight! Most people are likely going to lose a few pounds during this 2-week challenge, but even more than that, you will see that you can stick to something with the right planning and motivation.

Don’t forget the challenge starts in 2 days!

If you have not ‘liked’ our FB Page, Get Fit and Have Fun with Mutiara, please do so since I will be posting our daily challenge materials to this page.

about author - Mutiara

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