Intermittent Fasting Daily Eating Habit

Welcome back to the Intermittent Fasting Challenge.

We are now on day 6 – can you believe it? 6 Days is a great accomplishment already!

Today, you are going to reflect a little on your past eating habits, as you have probably already learned so much about yourself.

Where Did You Struggle the Most?

When you think about your eating habits before doing intermittent fasting, what comes to you first? Is there a certain area you tended to struggle with? Maybe you ate a lot of late night snacks, snacking in between meals, or felt like you were always eating all day long.

When you fast, so many things can come up. You realize how much or how little you were eating, how often you mindlessly snack without realizing it, and how you tend to fill up time and space in your life with food, even if you could be doing so many other things with your time.

How do You Feel Different Now?

Even though you are only 6 days in, you probably already notice a lot of benefits and changes from your intermittent fasting journey. Get out your journal or any piece of paper, and write down how you feel different now. This might be things like:

Your digestive system is improving

You don’t crave food in between meals as much

You can sleep better at night

You don’t wake up starving

You have more energy

And don’t forget any negative side effects you might be experiencing. They are just as valid!

about author - Mutiara

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